Notice of Public Hearing:: Project No. 223-05 Fairfield Island Annexations Phase 1

Posted on July 26, 2023

LAFCO Project No. 2023-05 Fairfield Island Annexation Phase 1 – Pittman Road, Blessed Baptist Church, Sunset Apartments (APNs: 0044-080-170, 0044-080-160, 0037-160-040, 0037-160-060, 0037-060-480, 0037-060-490)

August 14, 2023 Regularly Scheduled LAFCO Commission meeting

The City of Fairfield, on behalf of various property owners and developers, has requested to annex six (6) parcels that consist of three (3) “islands of County jurisdiction” into the City of Fairfield.   The three islands are not contiguous to each other, but will create logical jurisdictional boundaries.   The requested annexation is consistent with Fairfield’s Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence, as well as the City’s General Plan and Zoning.

Posted notice.

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